It was great that Jason's family was able to come over and visit. It was great to see them. It's been a while since his mom came out. It was her first trip to see the house. Needless to say I went into PANIC mode and finally finished painting the house and decorated the guest bedroom. Storage boxes and old comforters will suffice for my father in law, but she gets the special treatment. Honestly I'm just grateful she did come, it gave me the motivation I needed to get things done.
I know it's difficult for Jay to see his family. He wasn't even able to spend that much time with them while they were in town. Towbin Dodge owned his time, and we weren't able to borrow too much of it. I know he misses them so much. It's hard to see him have to hold back the tears when they were getting ready to leave. Too bad David couldn't make it out. But he was in our thoughts. Can't wait to see him, hopefully soon... my little clubbing buddy.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
We finally got our chance to just get away. Of course it's not the extravagant trip to some place exotic. But it was a nice change of pace. Just a quick bike trip to Mesquite. It started out exciting. I was a little nervous. So nervous that when I got on I-215, the gloves I stuffed on the side of my bag was starting to fall out. So here I am with my throttle hand trying to stuff it back in. Did I forget to mention I was in 5th gear, on the left hand lane, with only bubble barriers between me and oncoming traffic? Needless to say the bike stalls out and I'm praying I don't get hit by oncoming traffic and get hit by someone behind me. God always looks out. Since people were kind enough to go around. I got a few head shakes, then I walked my bike over to the shoulder. Some guy was nice enough to turn around and ask me if I was ok. I was little shaken up, but not too bad. Still alive. Of course Jay finally realized I wasn't behind him and headed back to check on me. Bike was fine, just need to learn to downshift.
So the rest of the trip went on with out any problems. It was a great time. Beautiful weekend, of course this was in October. We enjoyed the trip through the gorge to St. George. Discovered that Utah doesn't have any helmet laws. So we actually got to ride around with the wind in our hair, under 35 mph of course. Too scary if we go any faster. Man, I love bike trips. Can't wait till it gets above 60 degrees again.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
always hopeful
Even as the day looks bleak, I love the optimism of this country. The spirit of hope, the desire for change. It's been dormant but it seems in the dark hours we always look towards the light. We hang on, we fight. The odds are great against this man, in this election. There are those that will continue to hang onto the familiar. But I still believe in the pioneering spirit that makes me proud to be an American. A choice made at 15, but must be exercised everyday. To go beyond myself and help make this place just a little better, One vote, One voice, One choice at a time.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Pick already!!
Arrrgghh!! Just venting my frustration with work. We waited a whole 3 weeks to get interviewed for the director position. Now we have to wait even longer. In the mean time I have to do that job, plus mine, plus another lady....
What?!? Is that a little whining violin I hear? Yes, I'm whining. I'm grateful for the opportunity. I also understand that if it's not part of God's plan, it's not going to happen. So no longer will I stress about it. Just go with the flow and enjoy this time and chalk it up to learning experience. But I do realize I have to go back to school, if I want to advance my career...
Wheewww, feel better... thanks!
What?!? Is that a little whining violin I hear? Yes, I'm whining. I'm grateful for the opportunity. I also understand that if it's not part of God's plan, it's not going to happen. So no longer will I stress about it. Just go with the flow and enjoy this time and chalk it up to learning experience. But I do realize I have to go back to school, if I want to advance my career...
Wheewww, feel better... thanks!
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Visit from Dave & Daddy K!!
It's always good to spend time with family. It was a nice surprise that they were able to come out. Went to Valley of Fire, trying to become one with nature. It was a beautiful day for it, not to hot, with a little breeze. We saw a little bit of the natural landscape, the colors of the landscape, it seemed unreal; reds, yellows, orange and purple. The best part is spending time with each other, exploring and being reminded how old were getting. Well, it's mostly Dad and me, the other two are little monkey people.
Took them out for drinks with my co-workers their first night in town. Still can't take Glenn out. Of course I ended up apologizing profusely to my coworkers after he initially molested Kevin. Then on our way out, I look over and he's got his hands around Sara's boobs, then down her shirt it goes with $20. It's a good thing she's got that sense of humor/starving student combination. Oi-vey... at least the Hefenveisen beer was good.
Funny how the competitiveness between Jay and his dad never seems to end. During the indoor go-kart race at Fast Lap, his dad knocked him into the barrier. Crazy!! Don't understand sometimes why it's like that between them. No matter the cost, I would always would want my child to do better. Maybe there lies the reason why.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
B-day Fun
Yes, Jay's another year older. YEAYY! I'm happy we share the same decade. Of course he had to work, but that was just the beginning of his 31st birthday. I guess boys will always be boys, regardless of age. What started out as a birthday night out, for drinks and male bonding (almost, I was there), ended up with a crazy bar fight. We were sitting down minding our own business, next thing I know, the boys were all over this dude. I'm just happy Jay didn't hit him, but he did put his hand on his neck just to hold him back. Of course by this time it was too late. The guy already got beat up by the boys. Yes, they're straight up gangsta. I felt bad for the man, his friends just watch him get pummeled.
To make matters worse, after security, um "escorted" us out to our vehicles. They called the cops and questioned everyone involved (except us girls). Luckily, they let us go. But after food, more male bonding, and watching the sun come up, the day finally ended. However, what made it memorable wasn't just the stories, the fight, the cops, but the friends that he shared it with. It's not everyday that you are lucky enough to meet people that truly "have your back!!". That's the best birthday present he could ask for, to be lucky enough to have these kind of friends in PA and Vegas.
To make matters worse, after security, um "escorted" us out to our vehicles. They called the cops and questioned everyone involved (except us girls). Luckily, they let us go. But after food, more male bonding, and watching the sun come up, the day finally ended. However, what made it memorable wasn't just the stories, the fight, the cops, but the friends that he shared it with. It's not everyday that you are lucky enough to meet people that truly "have your back!!". That's the best birthday present he could ask for, to be lucky enough to have these kind of friends in PA and Vegas.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Laughlin Bike Run

This was the last group ride we did before the magnifying glass returned to Vegas and started to slowly burn us under it's glare. It was such a fun ride. We started off at the house with our neighbor Gil and his friends. We met Shane, he was the new rider with his brand new GXR, with no gap insurance. Talk about dumb, but we'll get back to that.
Let's just say anything that can happen, did. Started off normal. Nice straight shot on 95 to Laughlin. We took turns passing each other for the next 90 miles. I topped out at 142 mph. Yes, I have life insurance. We arrived at Colorado Belle for breakfast. Nothing but Harleys. Enjoyed getting to know each other over breakfast. Nothing but car guys, from sales, technicians, and finance. Yes, I'm the odd one out. After breakfast, rode around and checked out what little area there was. Gambled a little at Harrah's. Jay managed to win some cash on his last hand of Blackjack. Checked out the vendors for the bike run, and rode the free water taxi across the Colorado river. Hey, it's free. We walked by the river bank, where Gil witnessed outdoor gay-love. Don't ask, I didn't see it, thank God.
We rode to the Arizona side, tried to check out a park, then putt..putt.. Jay starts running out of gas. Stalling in the middle of a left turn, at an intersection, in front of oncoming traffic. Harley bikers just shook their heads at us dumb crotch-rocket riders. Glad he was able to make it safely across and to a gas station. Finally decided on lunch and head back afterwards. On the way back, there was a massive fire where the gay lovers where. Things that make you go hmmm.
Final ride on the way back, on that long stretch of road. That's when Glenn's luck finally ran out as he was flyin down 95. He got pulled over by NHP. He got lucky though, instead of the bike being impounded, the cop let him go with a lesser ticket. Gotta love Laughlin cops. Boulder City cops are apparently, another story.
Speaking of another story, remember Shane, our newbie. I guess he didn't the pointers that we gave him. He wrecked his bike a week later. He's safe, but the GXR is no more. Sad... so sad...
Cousin Dan
Can't believe it's been a whole year. Got a chance to sight see, and we were dumb enough to go rock climbing at Red Rock, in the middle of summer. Did I ever tell you we live on the surface of the sun? It was a lot of fun until Etienne started to feel the effects of the heat. Let's just say she's not that "hard core". Years of temperate weather living has taken it's toll. Ah, she'll get used to it.
Dan was able to fit us into his busy US tour. Of course the last stop was in Seattle, so he was able to cool off before heading back to Australia. Hmmm, it's crazy to think that we have family in the Philippines, Canada, and Australia. Here in the US, we're all spread out between Florida, Utah, California, and of course Nevada. It's too bad we can't all get together more often. I can't imagine what it would be like if we did. I think I would have to start another blog. Anyhooo it was nice that Dan was able to come and visit. We all experienced our first block party together last 4th of July. Good food, family and an old friend... not to mention fireworks for 2 hours.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
missing Italy
It's funny how music can bring you back. Sometimes I wish I could go back, perhaps change the path that I've taken but it wouldn't have brought me here today. I listened to the pastor talk about idolatry. I wonder if I put too many things before God? The best thing about someone pointing that out to you is you do start to see it. if we put too many things before Him, He will take them away. I've experienced that first-hand. I'm glad I did. Because now I know whatever he takes he'll replace with something better. So I can live my life without worry and just trust in Him.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008

It's always great to see "Lolo". Even though it was a short visit, we're always glad to spend time with him. It's our chance to slow down and play catch up, to bond over pictures, stories, and You Tube. Sometimes I wish things in the past we're different, but I am happy how things turned out. We are ALL better people because of it. I love you Dad. You make us laugh, made us stronger, show us to strive for excellence, to continue to remain young (physically & emotionally), to continue to learn more about the world we live in.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Gutierrez 11
It's crazy how time has flown. My cousins came over from the Philippines. We haven't seen each other in 24 years. When my brother and I left, Michael Jackson was popular and still black. New Wave music, parachute pants, Madonna wannabes!! Since then we've grown older, got married and had our own children.
Finally they have the chance to start life here in the US. I can't help but to be excited for them. But there's a sense of sadness, that they will face a lot of hardships having to adapt to a myriad of differences between the two cultures. It was difficult us young tweens back in 1984, but at 40, I would be beyond scared. I admire them. To come to this country as an adult, start over, learn to speak our slang, our work ethic, provide for their children, and drive on California freeways! However, we're resilient and persistent. They will do well, just like all the other immigrants that have made it to this country, hoping and working for a better life.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
It's starting to scorch outside. It's Africa hot, however, Surface-of-the-sun Hot is fast approaching. Kinda get used to it, sad to say. Don't miss the humidity though.
Gone are the days of long trips. With the economy the way it is and gas prices, we had to keep our little vacation simple. We just traveled to a little know resort called Avi. It's in Laughlin about 1 hour away. It's on the Colorado river. It served it's purpose and gave us some much needed relaxation. It was great to just be the 3 of us. Spending 3 days lounging around. Mostly swam, and relaxed by the pool. Watched a movie, ate horrible fattening foods, and rented wave runners. That was the high point of the vacation. Etienne got to drive one, with Jay of course. She managed to get it to 45 mph. Ahhh, there's hope for my girly girl. Kinda brings a tear to my eye.

Gone are the days of long trips. With the economy the way it is and gas prices, we had to keep our little vacation simple. We just traveled to a little know resort called Avi. It's in Laughlin about 1 hour away. It's on the Colorado river. It served it's purpose and gave us some much needed relaxation. It was great to just be the 3 of us. Spending 3 days lounging around. Mostly swam, and relaxed by the pool. Watched a movie, ate horrible fattening foods, and rented wave runners. That was the high point of the vacation. Etienne got to drive one, with Jay of course. She managed to get it to 45 mph. Ahhh, there's hope for my girly girl. Kinda brings a tear to my eye.
Free Flow of thoughts
So much has gone on these two years that we've been here. We've been truly blessed with so much. Happy to be closer to my parents. Only 6 hours away from my brother. We all miss our family and friends in PA though. I hope that they know that, and we had our own reasons for starting someplace new. For me it's mostly, just coming full circle. With Jay, I think it's becoming your own person. I'm glad that Etienne has made some good friends out here. We've moved around so much that she has to learn to adapt.
This is our life here. Forgive me for the random timelines of the following postings, but this is us, in a nutshell. Just the highlights of course ;-)
This is our life here. Forgive me for the random timelines of the following postings, but this is us, in a nutshell. Just the highlights of course ;-)
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